Official Name: Republic
of Armenia
Location: Southwestern
between Turkey (to the west) and Azerbaijan Capital: Yerevan
Administrative divisions: 11 provinces (marzer, singular-marz); Aragatsotn, Ararat, Armavir, Geghark'unik', Kotayk', Lorri, shirak, Syunik', Tavush, Vayots' Dzor, Yerevan
Population: 3,056,382 (July 2015 est.) Languages: Armenian (official) 97.9%, Kurdish (spoken byYezedi minority) 1%, other 1%, (2011 est.)
Monetary Unit: dram
Government: Republic
Religion: Armenian
Apostolic 92.6%, Evangelical 1%, other 2.4% none 1.1% unspecified 2.9% (2011 est.)
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