Creation Sings

I dance - and all Creation sings!

I dance - and all Creation sings.
Because Creation sings - I AM.
Each footstep that alights on Earth
is feeling toned of That Which Is.

The waterfalls, and ocean surf
are Spirit singing to itself.
The wingbeat of a goose in flight - is song.
Moonlight that plays upon the ocean
in motion fills the Silence
that the song Creation sings may be observed.

And in the morning mist Creation sings a prelude
to the rising sun, who bids the day awake.
And in the morning chorus of my world in active play
I dance - because Creation sings.
Each step in rhythm with my Earth Star's heart.
Each pirouette a point of power.

Because I dance, my Earth Star sings
rising in joy - ascending on the waves of song
and takes me with her through the Space Time
of another realm - as all Creation sings.
All this I AM, and more because Creation sings.


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